Our Story
rebuilding homes
Our Support
Healing Properties, Inc. is a 501c3 (not for profit) organization. We receive limited support from fedreal, state and local grants as well as charitable donations. All donations are tax deductible.
Our Clients
Clients come to Healing Properties through several agencies as well as through recommendations of local churches and synagogues. Most clients are recommeded by the staff of transitional shelters once they have training oppotunities to improve their life skills.
About Healing Properties
Our primary organizers have been working for over 40 years renovating homes and providing housing to persons with disabilities
The Population served
Healing Properties serves homeless persons with disablities and their families. This includes persons with alcohol and drug addictions, as well as those with physical and mental disabilities
The MIdlands Area Consortium for the Homeless (MACH) estimates that between 4800 to 9300 have no shelter or live in housing not fit for human habitation, based on a January 2011 'count'.*
Our Properties
Presently, Healing Properties has 28 living units occupied with individuals or families and 10 or more potential units with needed repairs.
*Full report at www.MidlandsHomeless.com